OMG! Some people just need to STFU. If I hear one more person talking about how mywebface mywebsearch is some big bad virus, I'm going to have to kick someone in the nuts!
Do these people not notice that all of those mywebface ads are like ALL OVER. Not just google, but facebook too. Do you really think that those people are going to let them show ads if it's just a virus? No...that's just dumb.
Yes mywebface comes with a toolbar on your browser, that's not some big surprise. they tell you that from the start. but what big evil does this toolbar do? um...just about nothing. AND GUESS WHAT? If you don't like it, if you think it's some evil squirel trying to eat your nuts (that's the second time I mention might Have a problem), then just UNINSTALL the program.
It's not rocket science. And for the record, when I install MyWebSearch on my computer at home, it doesn't give me some super bad virus, or make my computer slow, or even steal my identify and charge up thousands of dollars in guessed it.. ALMONDS. You thought I was going to say nuts, huh? Well, almonds is a type of nut. i guess you were sorta right.
MyWebFace MyWebSearch
Posted by Andrés